
Well I have come on long way on this account. I am easily at least one foot taller and a respectable 40 pounds bigger. All muscle of course cause I works out. I am sure past Mark would be quite impressed.

I am fairly certain that I did not watch much baseball when I was younger and so this choice is quite puzzling. I think I had his baseball card but that doesn't seem like adequate reason for being the person I most admired. The only logical explanation is that his last name was Strawberry. To be honest, I still kind of admire that. I suppose it could have been Darryl's prostitution and cocaine charges that endeared him to me because I was very interested in both of those things at that age.

I have no idea why, but this cracks me up. When I read this I lol'd. Of all the things I could have chosen to learn, apparently the study of Native Americans (see how politically correct I am now?) was a top priority. Want to know what is even more awesome? I would bet that I know as much now as I did then on the subject. Sorry old school Mark.

This makes no sense. Past me just confused present me. That has got to cause some temporal paradox of some sort.

Well I would say mission accomplished here. Oh what, don't believe me? Then how would you explain this. Case closed.

Your guess is as good as mine. I don't remember having poor self esteem. Maybe I was on the cutting edge of street lingo and it was meant to be like "that's phat!" or "that Taylor Swift song is sick, yo!" In that case, I was like wicked dumb back then, son!

I know, I was surprised I even knew who that was too! I like to think that I was a connoisseur of comedy. I am sure I could understand all the subtle nuances of comedy and pop culture. I am not sure who I was trying to impress with this answer but it is awesome either way.

I still stand by this. I loved this show!

I am starting to think that I made this up. I googled it for like a half hour and could not find anything. If anyone know what this book is or if it is even real, please tell me. It is an awesome word though. I think I am going to use it as my nickname when I get in the UFC. "Now entering the ring, The Inflaterater!!!" *cheers, whooping, and swooning commences*

Wow my aspirations were high. But to be fair, I don't think I had ever actually been there at this age. So technically Provo was just as foreign to me as Tokyo. Come to think of it, I think it still is.

Ha, this is funny on so many levels. Not that Laura isn't a lovely person, it's just I'm not sure what I was thinking. I don't think I ever really talked to her at that age. Well, I don't think I talked to any girl that often at that age. Or now, come to think of it...........crap. Anyway, it didn't work out in the end I'm afraid. C'est la vie and whatnot.

More "complex?" What in the world did I mean by that? I suppose I was talking about the contrasting social and ethical tendencies that often accompany an evolving multicultural society. I'm sure I just didn't have enough space to write that all down. Also, I should have just wrote that we would all be nerds. Ha, Zing! Take that nerds!

Ah, another reminder of how scientists have failed us. No flying cars. No hover-boards. No terrifying lizard race conquering the planet. Where did we go so wrong? Its just a shame. I should be living on Mars right now! Oh wait, I wanted to live in Provo apparently. Guess your off the hook for that one scientists!

I was obviously leaving the details to someone else. It seems "portle thing" was as far as I had thought it out. Also, not to nitpick, but going to some one's house in a "portle thing" is not really a form of communication. Psshh, what an idiot. Past me was so stupid.
Well those were the highlights. I learned a lot about myself reading this. Ok, not really but I think your meant to say that. Hope you enjoyed this walk down my memory lane. Hopefully one day I can buy a Delorean and I can go back and have a cup of tea with my past self (actually I don't drink tea so I will just have an orange soda. Past me can still have tea if he wants cause I can't tell me what to do). Until then, I think I am gonna sort out that whole "portle" issue. That sounds like a mad dumb idea, yo!